Hello friends. It's time to announce the dates for the last shows in 2017 and also time to announce that we'll have a break of playing live in 2018. We might play some festivals and we might play
shows after the summer... but it all depends on how fast we will finish our 4th album. It's the first time writing songs as a 4 piece and we don't wanna give the creative process any pressure in
time or musical boudaries.
We hope to get back to you stronger than ever! Please take the chance to listen to the songs of "Love Is Not
Only What You Know" live in October and November all over Germany.
OCT 6th - Esslingen - Komma (Psych In Bloom Festival)
OCT 7th - Fulda - Kulturkeller (Burg Herzberg Party)
OCT 8th - Linz - Stadtwerkstatt (Supporting Monkey3)
OCT 10th - Trier - Frankenturm
OCT 11th - Darmstadt - Knabenschule
OCT 12th - Berlin - Jägerklause
OCT 13th - Hamburg - Bar 227
OCT 14th - Nijmegen - Paraplufabriek
OCT 28th - Schüttorf - Komplex (Supporting Guru Guru)
NOV 3rd - Leipzig - Black Label
NOV 4th - Cottbus - Zum Faulen August (Blue Moon Festival)